Smartly for Snapchat

Smartly for Snapchat brings the Smartly capabilities to your Snapchat advertising, including effective campaign management, automation, image and video templates, pivot reporting, predictive optimization, triggers, catalog mappings, and more.


Campaign management

Smoothly set up campaigns, ad sets and ads

You can create and edit multiple campaigns, ad sets and ads at once, allowing you to quickly drive changes to your campaign fleet in one flow.

Read more about campaign management.


Automate your advertising

Set up automation for your campaigns, ad sets and ads (assets), which allows you to update, create new and retire assets by simply updating a spreadsheet. The Smartly system will update and publish the assets automatically without needing to go into Smartly or Snapchat Ads Manager.

Read more about campaign automation.


Enhance your catalog feeds

You can manage your Snapchat catalog feeds through Smartly. Set up your field mappings and replace values to get the correct format before sending it to Snapchat. You can also attach image templates to the feed, to enhance the visuals for your catalog sales ads.

Read more about dynamic (catalog) ads on Snapchat.


Media management

Enhance your media with image and video templates

Use templates to enhance your visuals and drive better performance. Smartly media templates are like image or video editors, where you have layers and formatting tools. Bring in your brand with fonts, colors, logos, messaging to get attention and drive traffic. Templates are most often used together with Automated Ads or Catalogs, where you can bring in information about products to your ads, like product image, price or name.

Read more about Templates.


Reporting and optimization

Pivot reporting lets you arrange the data the way you like it

With Smartly reporting, you can pivot your data and add columns based on any data that is available. Reporting is available cross-account and cross-channel. You can integrate external data systems to bring in 3rd party data to your reports.

Read more about Reporting.


Automate changes with Triggers

Instead of manually updating your ads over the weekend, let triggers automatically update them for you. Triggers can be set up on campaigns, ad sets or ads. They look for conditions, and perform actions when those conditions are fulfilled. For example, you can cut your budget down on weekends and ramp them back up on Monday, pause individual ads with too low return on ad spend or send an email to you when a certain number of impressions have been reached.

Read more about Triggers.

snap-overview-triggers.pngPredictive budget optimization (PBA)

Smartly can look at the performance of your ads and do budget shifts to maximize the performance based on the metric of your choosing. PBA can work with the budget of a single campaign, shifting budgets within the ad sets within it, or you can bring in multiple campaign to be a bigger pool. It will reduce the budget for lower performing ad sets and give it to the better performing ones, trying to maximize the future results based on past perfromance.

Read more about Predictive Budget Allocation.


Supported campaign objectives

Smartly supports most of the Snapchat campaign objectives:


  • Awareness


  • App Installs

  • Drive traffic to website

  • Drive traffic to app

  • Engagement

  • Video views

  • Lead gen(*)


  • Website conversions

  • App conversions

  • Catalog sales

*) Lead gen campaigns and ad sets can be set up in Smartly. However, Smartly does not have the form builder for ads. Therefore, Lead gen ads should be set up in Snapchat Ads Manager.

Promote places awareness objective is not supported in Smartly.

Supported ad formats

Smartly supports all the ad formats that are available in Snapchat:

  • Single Image or Video

  • Story (A series of 1-20 single images or videos with a discovery tile for the Stories tab)

  • Collection (showing four tappable tiles)

  • Filter (artistic overlay)

  • AR Lens (augmented reality experience)

Note that Snapchat considers "Commercial" to be an own ad format. Smartly also supports commercials. However, commercials are just a special version of Single Video ads which are not skippable. In Smartly, Commercial is therefore considered to be part of Single Image or Video. You set up commercials by indicating it in ad set settings, and setting up a single video ad.

Read up on Snapchat ad formats for more details on the ad formats.

Get started with Smartly for Snapchat

To get started, connect your Snapchat ad account to Smartly.