You can log in to Smartly with a username and a password, or using single sign-on (SSO).
When you log in for the first time, use the invitation link in your email.
Note We currently only support the Google Chrome browser.
Logging in for the first time
You will have received an email invitation to Smartly. Go to your email and click the signup link.
On the signup page, enter your name and click Continue.
Sign up using either SSO or an email address and password. If your company offers both options, we recommend using SSO.
Click Sign up with SSO.
Follow the instructions to sign in with your SSO provider. After signing in, you are redirected back to Smartly.
Click Accept invite.
Read the terms of use and privacy policy, and click Agree and Proceed. Your user account is now created, and the Smartly app home page will show.
Bookmark the Smartly Home page. You can’t use the invitation link again to log in again, so this helps you to find the site.
Sign up using email address and password
Enter the email address you want to use for your user account.
Do not use a shared email address, such as a team address. Using shared addresses makes it hard to track who does what in the system.
Define a password that meets our password policy requirements.
Click Sign up.
Read the terms of use and privacy policy, and click Agree and Proceed.
Fill out the brief starting survey and click Submit.
Your user account is now created and the Smartly app home page opens.
As the next steps, we recommend setting up your user account settings on the profile page:
If you signed up using an email address and password, enable multi-factor authentication - (We strongly recommend this to keep your account more secure).
If you signed up using SSO, we recommend enabling multi-factor authentication in your SSO IDP provider's systems.
Log in with username and password
If your company has Smartly authentication in use, you can log in with your username and password.
Before you start, complete the first-time account setup.
To log in with a username and password:
Go to
Enter your username and password.
The username is the email address you have defined in your user account settings.
Click Sign in.
If you have enabled multi-factor authentication, depending on the multi-factor option enabled you will have to complete one extra verification step. Once this is completed, proceed to the Smartly app by clicking Login.
Log in with SSO
If your company has SSO login in use (a company admin needs to set it up in the Smartly app), use the credentials provided by your SSO identity provider (such as Google, Microsoft, or Okta).
Before you start:
Complete the first-time user account setup.
Check that SSO login is enabled in your Smartly user account settings:
Go to My Profile and under Sign in using Single Sign-On, and check that your user account is linked to your company's SSO configuration.
If SSO login is not linked, click on Link new SSO identity to start linking your user account to your company's SSO configuration.
To log in with SSO:
Go to[company name].
The full URL is in your My Profile page.
Follow the instructions to sign in provided by your SSO provider.
After signing in, the Smartly app home page opens.
Invited to Smartly but you're already a user?
If you already have a Smartly user account but received an email invitation regardless, you can't create a new account with the same email address.
Log in to Smartly with your current account.
Click the link in the invitation email and accept it as an existing user.